Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday: Social Networking Sites

This episode is the first part of our look at Social Networking Sites. These include sites like MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo 360, Classmates, Xianz, and Orkut. The popularity of these networks have grown exponentially over the last couple of years. We talk about what the sites include, plus some positives and negatives -- and more. Click on the logo to the left to listen, or subscribe via iTunes.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Monday: Celebrity Gossip

Today, we make up for our skipping out on Thursday's post with a stunning look at Celebrity Gossip. This comes in blog form, magazine form, television form, and basic news form. Some of the celebrity gossip blogs receive SIX MILLION VISITORS a day! This is big business. It can make and break careers. But is it good? Click on the logo to the left to listen, or subscribe via iTunes.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday: .XXX extension decision, Spring Break

Today, we look at the decision about the .xxx web extension. Also we take a look at the American tradition of Spring Break and how it is affecting our students - both now and long term. Just click on the logo to the left to download, or subscribe via iTunes.